
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Balancing Act

The alarm rang.. It was 6 a.m. Her eyes were puffy, and she felt nauseous yet Shipra dragged herself out of the bed.  Her mother-in-law had malaria so she did not have the luxury to rest herself. After all, the older woman always treated her like her own daughter - packing her dabbas for work, helping her indulge in her hobby, making her favorite dishes - she treated Shipra like the daughter she never had. So Shipra had to return the favour when her mother-in-law needed help. Though she had never liked the amount of pampering she had given her son! She gave him everything in his hand from his handkerchief to water so much so that her husband Vishal had never done any household chore. Shipra missed a helping hand. Back in her own home, her dad and brother helped mom and her in each and everything, be it cooking, cleaning, dusting; her dad even braided her hair sometimes. But here, things were different. Being a working woman, she could use a little help from Vishal but she knew he